Friday, January 09, 2009

Happy New Year

Well here we are into the new year already. That is so hard to believe. We got through the hollidays well and had a good time with the children who were here and the grand kids. I got home at about 1:30 Christmas morning, and left Christmas day at about 3:00 pm. We have been very busy at work and stayed busy through the hollidays, which is very unusal in the trucking industry. The Good Lord has been looking out for me and the new company. We managed to break even the first month we were in business. Then we have been making a profit each month since. We each got a good christmas bonus and have enough money in the bank to keep the company running for three months. So we have beendoing very well.
Yesterday Jerilyn had a biopsy taken from her gums in an attemp to find out why her mouth has been sore for about a year. They have gotten progressively worse and she finally decided to do some thing about it. So she now has a fat lip and mouth, and is living on vicodin. She is getting a little less uncomfortable and in a few more days she will be back to normal.
Monday she is leaving to take her mother home. Nell has been with us since we got back from the cruise. We have enjoyed having her here and will miss her when she gets back home. Jerilyn will be gone for two to three weeks and then will be home until we go to Tennessee in may for Natalie's graduation.
Well it is now official. I am old enough to retire. I filed with Montana Conference this week to go on sustitation starting in april of this year. It's hard to believe that I am going to be 65 this year. Time flies when you're having fun. It' hard to believe Jerilyn and I will be married 45 years this Aug. When I look back at things I never thought we would still be on this earth in 2009. I had figured the Lord would have long since come. I just don't see how this world can last much longer, and we all need to be ready for His return.
So long for now will blogg some more in the not too distant future.
Happy Sabbath. Larry & Jerilyn

Saturday, December 27, 2008

More picts

This is what Red Mountain pass looked like as we were coming home from Cynth's graduation. We were following Staci, as you can see we have had a little snow sofar this year. Friday we wern't sure we could go over Red mtn be cause Blue point had slid and they were doing avalance control. They reopened the pass just a few minutes before we left home. We sure love the mountains. This is one of the little resturants we stopped at in key west. What a difference in temp from red mountain. And of course mom cought me with the cell to my ear. The boss called me on vacation to get some information. When I answered he said what are you doing answering you phone for? Then he said I am sure glad you did.
Here is one of the pool decks on our ship. It had a salt water pool, a fresh water pool as well as several hot tubs and spas. What a life, a bad case of roughing it eh.
Well when I get home next week mabe I'll post some more picts of our most recient exploits.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Last weekend we went to Durango for Cynthia's graduation. She was graduatating from Fort Lewis College with her BAin education. We just couldn't miss that. She has done very well and graduated with honors. Suma Cum Laud. We wnt down on friday after Brain and Beka got out of school, and then we took the Polar Express train ride that evening. The Durango and Silverton train sets up the polar express santa train. It was verycool. They ride you out on the rain for about 10 miles and read the Polar Express story and then they have set up a little North Pole out in the wilderness and santa and his helpers get on the train and give everyone a little bell on the way back to town. The children enjoyed it very much. We did also. Then Saterday morning we went to the graduation. It was very nice also but I am used to the hupla that we do at our schools so it was a little "Hickish" but very nice. The picture of all the student's together are the adult education students and the professor that was responsible for them. They started with 12 student's and graduated 7. We wern't able to catch Cynth with her cap on so we just caught her in her gown. As you can see she looked drained. The couple with the three kids was the gal Cynth went to and from Durango and home with. She is a good friend. There's mom with one of the bakers on the train and of course then ther is santa.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Well it is time for my annual blogg. We just go back from the cruise we have been planning for the better part of the year. We scheduled the cruise with the liberty magazine group. We had about 125 people for the liberty meetings on the cruise. We were scheduled to leave Fort Lauderdale, Fl. on Dec 3rd and were to go to Key West spend a day there and then go on to Cozumel, Mex. When it came time to leave Key West, the ship had a computer crash and they couldn't couldn't steer the ship. Well they had to fly in some computer whiz's and they spent all night and till 2pm the next day getting it fixed and getting all the clearances from the various alabet agencies to allow us to proceed. Well the ship couldn't get to Cozumel and then back to Ft. Lauderdale on time. Soooooooo we ended up going to Nassau in the Bahamas. It was very nice and we had a good time, but we were all psyched up to go to Cozumel. OHHHHH Well. In Nassau we saw Opera's 50 mil house, and Tom Cruise's house along with Chuck Norris place and a number of others. The Beaches were a beautiful white and if we had planned on Nassau it would have been great. Sabbath afternoon we went on a semi submarine out about three miles into the carribean to the Bahamas national underwater park. The semi sub is a boat with a basement that goes down about 8 ft. and has glass windows down both sides. We were able to see sharks and barricuda and about a thousand different kinds of tropical fish. The park does'nt allow swimming or diving so the habitat is pristine and very beautiful. We went over a couple of old wrecks and thatwas very interesting. Jerilyn took a bunch of pictures and I will try to get some of them on the blogg. The top Left picture is Bub with Kermit of the Key Lime pie fame frome the cooking network. The top right is of the Micael Jackson suite at the Atlantis Hotel. The bridge looking thing is the suite and goes for 25,000 a nite if you can believe that. The lower left is a picture of our ship the Infinity. It was a beautiful boat. The lower right is the grand staircase that goes from the 3rd deck to the dining room on the 4th deck. It was a wonderful ship and we did have a good time. I beter quit for now but will post more for later and will post more pictures then.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Spring time in the Rockies . The travales of the West.

Jerilyn told me I needed to put something in the blog since it has been a while. Soooooooo here goes. We have very busy at work since the new company started the first of Feb I have run about 60,000 miles. That doesn't leave a whole lot of time at home but we are all working to make the new company survive. We must be doing something right because we broke eaven in Feb and have made a profit each month since. Not a major profit but enough so we were able to buy a couple of new trucks and hire aq couple of new drivers. One of which is Staci's father in law who will be starting on monday. I am going to be able to slow down a little I hope after I come back from vacation which start in two weeks. Last week I ran a little over 5500 miles aqnd this week I ran about 3200 miles. I am tired. As with all new companies there are a few growing pains, one of which has become mine. I am in charge of the PM on the trailers and have developed a spreed sheet and maint book for the drivers to make notes in for the repair and routine maint. It is really going very good.
Jerilyn is kept busy with the grand kids and their music and adventurers and pathfinders. She is getting more involved with the church and with the ladies ministeries. She enjoys the children and the work with the church. She seems even busier than when she was working. We will be having the Tenn. bunch here in two weeks and we are going to do some camping , some four wheeling and just having good old family time. The cousins are looking forward to all being together and having a great time. So are we!!!!! We will be posting a lot of pictures and explainations while we are all together. I hope we are able to get up into the mountains like we hope. We had about 180% of normal snow this winter and the ski areas are still open and having a grat spring ski season. I left Denver today at 2pm and fully expected to be home by 6:30 or so. Well guess again. It was snowing on Vail and slowed everything way down. It din't help that I was at 82,000 lbs either. Lat nite Vail pass was closed from about 9 pm till 8:30 this am because of winter driving conditions and about 40 accidents. Spring time in the Rockies!!!! O well. till the next time.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

We have had a great day. Worked around the place most of the day. I got home last night and don't go out till tomorrow nite with eggs to Calif. We got several things done that have been begging and then we had to take a ride on the newest toy to arrive at the house. We hope to have a lot of fun on this this summer. I know I will and Jerilyn has already put a bunch of miles on it without me. Ha ha. Can you believe this two posts in one year. I guess I am getting better.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

A very good Sabbath

This has been a very good Sabbath herein dear ole Montrose. First on Friday night we had Jim Cyndi and the girls, Scott and Staci and the kids, along with Herb and Sue. You see this was the weekend that Brian was to be Baptized, so the family less one was all here. Hee. We will try to get a couple of pictures in the blogg if I can remember how to do it. Second this was also the Adventurer Sabbath at church. Of course Brian and Bekah are in the club so that was a double draw. Third and not the least we aquired a ATV last night. It is a 2005 Yamaha Grizzly 660 4x4 with all the bells and no whistles. We are looking forward to getting up into the hills with that. We will post pics of it as soon as we get it home. We will pick it up next Friday if all goes well.
Ok now family from Tenn we can go four wheeling and back country geocaching.!.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008



Friday, December 28, 2007


Well here we are the 27th, and the loads have beeen real slow. so About 1:15 I got a call from the bosses daughter who runs a limo service. It seams that the weather caused the air traffic to be stacked up and the planes that were doo in on the day after christmas were all delayed till the next day. Well she had schedualed limo service for the two days. Instead all of the corporate Jets came in yesterdqay. She didn't have enought drivers and was calling all of the truck drivers from Brach to help. I ended up driving a strech town car to aspen with a couple and their two children. They came in in the largest cessna citation Jet that cessna makes. It can carry 18 people and they came in on it with just the four of them. Can you believe that it probably cost them 20,000 to fly from LA to Grand Junction. Then it cost them another 600.00 for the limo to Aspen. While we were driving up to aspen he was on his satilite phone almost the whole way. That is a lifestyle I just don't understand. When e got to aspen he told me the directions to thier "Little Vacation home" When we got their it was all lite up. I mean every lite in the place was on and all the rooms had a 50" plasma TV in them and turned on. The place was about 5 or 6,000 sq. feet. "Just aa little place." I just can't phathom that kind of money. Oh well. I should have gotten a picture of me and the streeeeeeeach. It was long.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Well Merry Christmas each and every one of you. We have had a very busy year and it doesn't seem possible that it Christmas all ready.
Jerilyn is enjoying retirement an is staying very busy with the grand children and with the work she is doing at church.
I am still running way too many miles and with the uncertainity at the office it can be a little disconcerting. I am hoping that within the next couple of weeks thing will sort out.
We spent thanksgiving in Ouray in a condo we rented and it had hot tubs and we really had a good time.
Brian and Bekah have been taking music lessons they just had their recital, and both have done really well.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Well it has been a long time since we posted. We have been very busy. We went to Tenn with the whole family in march, then we went to a family reunion for Jerilyn's uncle in June. In between I have been working hard to pay for the next trip. We have also been digging and putting in a sprinkler system in the front of Staci's house. Inbetween we have been busy a chu8rch. Our Pastor moved in april, and so that put extra worrk on the rest of the leadership i n the church. We just this last weekend interviewed a prospective pastor and it looks like he will be coming, but not until Sept. or Oct. He is a young man and he is full of enthusiam. Yesterday we worked out at the school getting it ready for the upcoming school year. I spent a good portion of the day pulling weeds, Yuck, But it needed doing. Jerilyn spent the day washing walls and talking with Lamornia. Her husband said he was working next door and didn't hear a second of silence from the next room. I can believe that. We have put about 7000 miles on our 5th wheel this year so far and will probably use it a few more times this year. We are sure glad we got it. Jerilyn's washer was about to die so Sat. evening we went to Home Depot and purchased a new washer and dryer wich Jerilyn is looking forward too. The old ones were about 20 yrs old and had about used up all of their useful life. We got Maytag front loaders. They were rated #2 in consumers report, We really wanted the LG units but they were about a 1000 more and we didn't feel we could justify that expense. The kids and grandkids are doing well and we sure enjoy them. We wish we could see the Tenn contingent more often but I guess we are paying the price for moving west. Oh well. So long for now LP

Friday, February 09, 2007

Welllllllllllllllll folks take a deep breath and sit down. We are really blogging and still alive and kicking. We started this page for the purpose of letting everyone know where we were and what we were seeing when we went on our color tour of the east coast. As most of you know this did not happen since Larry ended up in the hospital in ICU for several days then on floor care for several days then on out patient iv's for several weeks. But all is well now. He is back at work and I am working prn and looking after grandchildren whenever I can. Larrys foot will probably never be the same again and I will be better as soon as the hospital bill is completely paid.
We will be taking some trips this spring which I am really looking forward to. We will keep you posted when we go and what we do. We will try to keep everyone more up to date from here on out.
Is everyone still ok? I know this is quite a shock to everyones system. Hang in there everything will be all right. I promise.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

last one

As you can see we have redone the outside and the kitchen and dining room. Jerilyn is very very pleased with the outcome. I am too. It was a lot of hard work though. Jerilyn had two weeks of doing dishes in the bath tub while I had everything out of the kitchen. Boy was she glad to get her sink and dishwasher back in operation. She now tells me I have to get the rest of the lawn sprinkler system in and running. No rest for the wicked. Plus I have been working on a serman that I will give the 24th of June at church. When I took the local elders position in the church I was promised that I wouldn't have to preach. But alas that lasted about 6 months and then.............. Oh well. It is the congregation that will have to suffer with me.
I guess I better get to bed I have to go out tomorrow and deliver in Portland on Tues. evening. TTFN

more pics

Here are a few more pictures.

New House or redone

Well we haave finally gotten the remodeling done. With a little luck I will post some picts. If not when Scott getts home we will post the picts.