Jerilyn told me I needed to put something in the blog since it has been a while. Soooooooo here goes. We have very busy at work since the new company started the first of Feb I have run about 60,000 miles. That doesn't leave a whole lot of time at home but we are all working to make the new company survive. We must be doing something right because we broke eaven in Feb and have made a profit each month since. Not a major profit but enough so we were able to buy a couple of new trucks and hire aq couple of new drivers. One of which is Staci's father in law who will be starting on monday. I am going to be able to slow down a little I hope after I come back from vacation which start in two weeks. Last week I ran a little over 5500 miles aqnd this week I ran about 3200 miles. I am tired. As with all new companies there are a few growing pains, one of which has become mine. I am in charge of the PM on the trailers and have developed a spreed sheet and maint book for the drivers to make notes in for the repair and routine maint. It is really going very good.
Jerilyn is kept busy with the grand kids and their music and adventurers and pathfinders. She is getting more involved with the church and with the ladies ministeries. She enjoys the children and the work with the church. She seems even busier than when she was working. We will be having the Tenn. bunch here in two weeks and we are going to do some camping , some four wheeling and just having good old family time. The cousins are looking forward to all being together and having a great time. So are we!!!!! We will be posting a lot of pictures and explainations while we are all together. I hope we are able to get up into the mountains like we hope. We had about 180% of normal snow this winter and the ski areas are still open and having a grat spring ski season. I left Denver today at 2pm and fully expected to be home by 6:30 or so. Well guess again. It was snowing on Vail and slowed everything way down. It din't help that I was at 82,000 lbs either. Lat nite Vail pass was closed from about 9 pm till 8:30 this am because of winter driving conditions and about 40 accidents. Spring time in the Rockies!!!! O well. till the next time.